Friday 30 January 2015



A traditional rajasthani sweet savored by all .This recipe can be made with either wheat flour or plain flour depending on what you prefer..I have tried both & both taste divine..As beginners you can try plain flour to start of with.. Malpua is so spongy yet crunchy that no one can eat just one ;) With just a few ingredients you can make these instantly when ever you have cravings or guests arriving at a short notice...You will definitely get compliments on your sweet skills...

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Frying Time : 15 mins
Serves: 8-10

  •  Plain Flour/Wheat flour : 1 cup
  • Sugar : 1/2 cup
  • Milk : 1/4 cup
  • Curds: 2 tsp (optional)
  • Cooking Soda : 1/4 tsp (optional)
  • Water : to make a flowing consistency batter
  • Ghee (clarified butter) : for frying


Take a bowl, add flour, sugar, milk , curds with water & mix well until sugar dissolves. Let the batter rest for half an hour.
Now take a flat bottom pan & heat ghee in it. Now take your prepared batter , fill a spoon with it & slowly drop this batter in the ghee, which is at low flame at this point of time. This mix automatically spreads once in pan,  so drop a thin layer only of 2'' diameter. Once your able to move it slightly, you can turn it over & turn on medium flame. Cook until the ring turns brown on both sides & the centre remains yellow..Drain the excess ghee on tissues..Serve hot!
Tip: Once you are confident of the malpua, then you can drop three to four in the pan depending on the size of your pan.
You can also store this batter for two days in the refrigerator.

About Me

Hello readers, I am Deepika Ostwal belonging to the beautiful city - Bangalore.
Bangalore which is also known for its street food.You would find almost every street to offer something different & unique from the other. I've always taken keen interest in food & whenever i get to travel, i'd like to try ''something different'' !! Well i have finally taken out some time for something i like doing - Cooking/Baking!!
This blog is dedicated to two important people- My Mother & Sister..Mum who has had her hand behind me taking interest in different culinary cuisines & sister who always appreciates my hard work & persuaded me to start my blog so that i show this world another of my talents ;)
The main intention behind this blog is for any person who enjoys food can just be able to surf through my recipes & cook very simple yet delicious food with the ingredients which are easily available in the markets or in your pantry!
Empty vessels make noise is my playground where I showcase my passion for food and baking. Most of the recipes here are something that I learnt from my Ma, my first teacher. There are recipes that are inspired from cookbooks, websites/blogs, and cooking shows.
Since I am a vegetarian, I strongly feel that there is so much more that one can learn & perform with leaves & veges...There are many recipes catalogued to suit busy working schedules and also beginner and bachelor friendly. You will find a collection of everyday meals, some with fancy ingredients, a variety of cuisines, as i love trying my hand at what i previous would eat at a restaurant..Though my all time favourite is Italian food..I love the combination of mild favours & fresh herbs!!
One thing I have learnt from years of kitchen adventure is to understand how to balance and harmonize flavours. For any cook, amateur or experienced, it is important to make adjustments in the quantity of ingredients used to bring out the right flavour to suit your taste buds rather than blindly following the recipes. And to believe that you are a good cook one must taste their art at every one can understand what's there & what's missing & adjust the flavors. Follow your instinct and palate, as it is them that tell you as what you like in a particular dish.