Saturday 28 March 2015

Nimbu Shikanji

Who doesn't like lemonade?? Every little kid or grown up would love his/her homemade refreshing drink. So why not make it with a twist which actually adds a spark to the boring lemonade.

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Refrigeration Time :2 Hours
Serves: 6


  • Lemons : 3-4
  • Mint leaves: 1 small cup
  • Ginger: 1 "piece
  • Salt : 1 tsp
  • Sugar: 7-8 tsp
  • Black Pepper: 1/2 tsp
  • Water: 1 litre


Take mint leaves & ginger , grind it to a fine paste.

Now squeeze the lemons through strainer, add water & sugar to this, mix until the sugar dissolves.

Now add the mint & ginger paste to this along with salt & pepper.

Now strain this shikanji & refrigerate.

A few tips:

  •  If your in a bit of a hurry & want to savor your shikanji, quickly fill up a glass with lots of ice & pour your drink..
  • You can also add club soda if you like your lemonade sparkling.


Do try this and leave me a comment.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Beet That Orange With Hazelnuts

The most simple, yet, the very elegant & aesthetically appealing salad, where the sweetness competes with the tang of the oranges & finally the nutty flavor wins & seals the deal.
Sounds interesting?? Read on..

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Serves: 6-8


  • Beetroot: 2 (peeled & grated)
  • Orange: 1 (sliced in halves)
  • Hazelnuts: 8-10 ( rough chops)


  • Olive oil: 2 tsp
  • Yellow mustard paste: 1/2 tsp
  • Soy Sauce: 3-5 drops
  • Lemon juice:1/2 tsp
  • Salt: to taste 
  • Cumin Powder - 2 pinches
  • Black Pepper Powder: 1/4 tsp


First make the dressing with the above ingredients & mix it with the grated beetroot.

Now place this on your palate with the sliced halves of the oranges on it.

Now drizzle the flakes of hazelnuts on top of the platter to finish of your very appetizing beet salad..

A few tips:

  • Beetroot must be ripe so you get a really nice sweet flavor from it.
  • If you roast the hazelnuts and use them it would make your salad more crunchier and nutty.

Do try this and leave me a comment.

Friday 13 March 2015

1 Minute Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookie

I love to bake. The aroma just lingers in your house and thats sets your mood just right.
The thing about cookies is that they need your constant attention so that they don't burn. I need to stand by the oven all the time checking on the cookies . I can bake only about 5 -6 cookies at a time and hence baking cookies is time consuming. But worth the work and wait.

This recipe excited me because as humans we all have cravings and what better way than learning something which can be made instantly doesn't need refrigeration over hours and is simple to make too. This recipe calls for melted butter, whereas usually cookies use cold butter. This was what honestly excited me.

This is a chewy cookie, but if you microwave it for a little longer, it will become crispy and yes it does work for me as the base gets crunchier and the cookie gets firmer. But thats just a choice if someone doesn't like chewy cookies.

The best part these cookies is that there is no addition of cooking soda...Since your expected to have it warm and finish within minutes!


  • All purpose flour/maida - 3 tbsp
  • Melted butter - 1 tbsp
  • Brown sugar - 1 tbsp
  • White sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Milk - 2 tsp
  • Vanilla - 1/8th tsp
  • Chocolate chips - 2 tbsp
  • Salt - a pinch

Recipe Source-Eugenie Kitchen


Add 1 tbsp of melted butter in a microwave safe bowl. Add the brown sugar and white sugar, vanilla and mix well. Make sure the sugar is dissolved.

Add the milk and mix again. Now add the flour and salt and fold everything together.

Add the chocolate chips and mix gently.

You can either shape the dough into 2 cookies or bake into a single big cookie.

Grease a microwave safe plate or a bowl and place the cookie on it and microwave for 1 minute and 10 seconds at 900 watts or 190 degree celsius for 11-15 mins.

Check to see if the center is cooked,if not microwave for a little longer. The cookie will continue to cook after it's taken out of the microwave.

A few tips:

  • Each microwave varies, adjust timings accordingly. 
  • This is a soft and chewy cookie not a crispy cookie.
  • I added a tsp more of flour, as I wasn't sure of the runny batter. My cookie turned out as chewy and fudgy as it should be. 
  • I used chocolate chunks as i wanted a burst of chocolate in each bite.

Do try this and leave me a comment.