Saturday 28 March 2015

Nimbu Shikanji

Who doesn't like lemonade?? Every little kid or grown up would love his/her homemade refreshing drink. So why not make it with a twist which actually adds a spark to the boring lemonade.

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Refrigeration Time :2 Hours
Serves: 6


  • Lemons : 3-4
  • Mint leaves: 1 small cup
  • Ginger: 1 "piece
  • Salt : 1 tsp
  • Sugar: 7-8 tsp
  • Black Pepper: 1/2 tsp
  • Water: 1 litre


Take mint leaves & ginger , grind it to a fine paste.

Now squeeze the lemons through strainer, add water & sugar to this, mix until the sugar dissolves.

Now add the mint & ginger paste to this along with salt & pepper.

Now strain this shikanji & refrigerate.

A few tips:

  •  If your in a bit of a hurry & want to savor your shikanji, quickly fill up a glass with lots of ice & pour your drink..
  • You can also add club soda if you like your lemonade sparkling.


Do try this and leave me a comment.

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